Descubriendo Excel

Pues estaba dandole vueltas a un programa para generar unas observacione sde forma automatica, cuando par mi sorpresa me indicaros que podia hacerlo con Excel.
Ni corto ni perezoso me puse manos a la obra, ya que haciendolo con excel no tendria que portarlo a mac o a cualquier otra plataforma y solo con hacer un proyecto me serviria.
Desde que lo empeze hace 1 semana hasta hoy he aprendido a utilizar excel y ademas a usar VBA, crei que mis dias usando VB habian pasado, pero la hoja necesitaba macros y Excel trabaja con VBA, asi que refresque los conceptos y le reze mucho pero mucho a San Google y he conseguido una hoja que hasta a mi me quita el hipo, en fin dicho todo esto, desde hoy Excel se ha convertido en una herramienta fundamental para solucionar problemas.

Como visualizar juegos de Unity usando Unity Remote 4 en un Samsung.

Hello Guys, I’ve spent a large amount of time trying to get the Unity Remote 4 device to work and so I’ve written up a little bit of blurb that may help some of you to achieve just that if you’re stuck…

First things first, make sure you go into your «Build Settings» in Unity and make sure if using an Android device you switch to the Android platform for your game.

Download the latest Android SDK installer from (scroll down the page till you get to «SDK Tools only»

I downloaded this one for Windows:…

Once installed choose to run the Android SDK Manager

click the «Install xx packages» button (where xx is the number of packages it recommends to install itself), this will install the necessary platform tools and usb driver as well as some other bits that may be necessary.

Once installed you can then go into Unity, then «Edit» menu, and choose «Preferences», in the window that pops up select «External Tools», next to the «Android SDK location» click on «browse» and select your (root) main Android-SDK folder (where you installed it).

After selecting the SDK restart Unity to make sure the setting has taken effect. **Thanks goes to Paul Meesters for catching that one**

Once you’ve done this you can click «Play» in Unity and providing you’ve got the «Unity Remote 4» running on your Android device it should work, at least it has for me.

Here is a link to some additional info in case you have further issues:…

Sorry but I have no Ios device so unable to assist with that if you are stuck.

Hope this helps.

Como poder reproducir contenido hecho con Unity.

Esto es una cosa que me estaba molestando muchisimo, y parece que Google desabilito NPAPI en los nuevos navegadores, esta extension la usaban muchas aplicaciones y Google la va a dejar obsoleta. Para reactivarla debemos:

teclear en chrome chrome://flags/ y una vez ahi habilitar NPAPI y Cliente Nativo dos mas abajo.

eso es todo.

Como forzar que todos los nuevos sonidos sean 2D en Unity

Puesto que Unity por defecto siempre carga los sonidos como sonidos 3D, si estas haciendo un juego 2D y tienes que cargar un monton de sonidos te puedes tirar un buen rato mientras Unity los convierte. Aqui tienes un enlace donde te explica como evitarte este paso y hacer que todos los sonidos cargen como 2D.

While importing audio into the game, I came across an annoyance. Since we weren’t using 3D sounds in our game, I had to convert all audio to 2D sounds by unchecking “3D Sound” in the inspector. This is not too big of a deal with small sound effects, but with large music files, Unity ‘re-imports’ the audio file and can take a little while.

So if you’re making a game with Unity and for the most part your sounds will be 2D or you don’t want to waste time converting music to 2D, use this C# script. For it to work, you must name the script “Force2DSound” and put it in the Editor folder. If you don’t have an Editor folder, you’ll have to make one under the Assets folder (so it would be “/Assets/Editor/Force2DSound.cs”). The script looks like this:

using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;

public class Force2DSound : AssetPostprocessor

    public void OnPreprocessAudio()
        AudioImporter ai = assetImporter as AudioImporter;
        ai.threeD = false;

After making this script, just import some audio into the project. It should have “3D Sound” unchecked automatically.

Error C4996: ‘strcpy’: This function or variable may be unsafe. Consider using strcpy_s instead. To disable deprecation, use _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS.

A quick fix is to add the _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS definition to your project’s settings

Right-click your C++ and chose the «Properties» item to get to the properties window.

Now follow and expand to, «Configuration Properties»->»C/C++»->»Preprocessor»->»Preprocessor definitions».

In the «Preprocessor definitions» add


but it would be a good idea to add


as to inherit predefined definitions

IMHO & for the most part this is a good approach.